Posts Categorized: Co-Parenting

Can I relocate after my divorce?

Can I relocate after my divorce?

So finally it’s all over. It’s time to move on and start the next chapter of your life. You’ve got your divorce or you agreed and finalised terms with your partner through the collaborative process. You would like to move closer to friends and family because the move would give you a support network which might not be available to you at the moment. You know it’s going to be better for the children, a chance for a new start for all of you and new opportunities. Perhaps even more […]


Your most valuable asset!

Some of us are blessed with children – some are not. Some of us will suffer the unfortunate circumstances of a relationship breakdown – some might not. Statistical data suggests that the chance of a relationship breakdown is about the same for married and non-married couples – you have one chance in two. So, if you are unfortunate enough to suffer a relationship breakdown, then before you take the wrong turn on the course to resolution of property and parenting matters, just stop for a moment and consider your position […]


Vaccinations – who gets the last say?

Something most people don’t take into consideration when going through a separation are the decisions that will need to be made regarding their children’s health. Decisions such as whether or not the children will be vaccinated. Whether you feel strongly one way or the other, vaccinations can prove to be a point of contention if not addressed during the separation process. This can lead to draw out court cases. Take for instance, a recent case where there was an issue for a determination whether an 8 year old girl should […]

Parenting Orders - Collaborative Approach

Parenting Orders – For Your Children’s Well-Being

Parenting orders are written with the best interests of the children in mind. That doesn’t mean, however, that they always get a say in what is included. There was a recent case that took place in the High Court of Australia, highlighting this fact. The case revolved around two teenage boys, who wanted to go live with their father in New York. Their parents had split and were sharing custody of the children. It was amicable enough; the boys lived with their father and the sister their mum. The current […]

What's Best for the Children?

What is best for the children?

When it comes to separation, whatever the circumstances, the one thing to keep in mind, is ‘ ‘what is best for the children?‘. Matters for consideration will generally relate to aspect in the context the risk of potential emotional trauma, continuation of stability in their home life and how to parent the right way. Emotional trauma can impact on your children even if you and your partner are very aware of the risks to your children of conflict and you both do your very best to avoid conflict. Circumstances which […]

child at computer

Who should be teaching our children?

Having reached the ripe old age of 52 (soon to be 53) not much surprises me anymore about the human condition, but I believe it’s just reached an all-time low. As I have matured I am very careful what I allow myself to watch on television or social media because once you see something it is not easy to ‘unsee’ and there are just somethings you don’t want to have to try and ‘unsee’. Over the weekend I was watching President Donald J Trump and his beautiful first lady dance […]

Parents Communicating for Children's Well-Being

Sue’s Story – Focusing on Your Children’s Well-Being

My husband David and I separated a little over 2 years ago. I found it especially traumatic, particularly as I didn’t see it coming and David left our family to go and live with another. Yeah sure we had some problems including some regular arguments which sometimes included yelling and screaming but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think we would end up going through a marriage separation, let alone conducting trench warfare in the family law system over our meagre possessions. Aside from trying to deal with […]